
Guangzhou Zoo Day and Shamian Island

Before we headed off to get our TB tests read, we started with a little breakfast... and some tooth pickin'.

Almost all the locals pick their teeth at the table. This is clearly something Sophie has seen before. We hand her a tooth pick, and she takes care of business. 

After TB results, off to the zoo. 

Since we only had one stroller, Sophie got to be our walking guide. A job she took very seriously. 

This way, please.

                                            Over here. Watch your step, and please try to keep up.

                                                                       Next stop, Pandas.

                               Kai loved him some Panda's . Big smooches for Panda.

Mr. Paaaaaandaaaaa. Where are you?

                                                        There he is. Hey... Mr. Panda. over here.
                                                       It's your buddy, Kai.  Waaaas uuuup??

Oh, I just love Mr. Panda. It's like my Pandy Pandy, only bigger. and fluffier.  I wonder if Baba will let me to have one of my very very own. 

                                              Who? Me and Panda?  Yeah, We go way back.

This way please.  

She really does know her way around, doesn't she? 
She can lead us wherever she wants as long as I don't lose my primo stroller spot. 
This. is. the life. 

While we waited for the bus sweet little Sophie Lu shared some treasures she found with Kai. 

                                                           He thought that was pretty cool...

...until he realized they were just leaves. 
And he couldn't eat them. 
He may or may not have given her a little attitude after that. 

                                                    We will take your treasures, Sophie Lu. :)

                                                   The kiddos ended the day with noodle time.
        We also had some dinner. Making good food choices, of course. Setting a good example for the kids.
                                                            (Do as we say, not as we do)

Next day we spent a little bit of time at Shamian Island. We got to shop around a little and then have dinner at the famous Lucy's.  The Island is so much quieter than I remember it from last time we were here.

                                               Uuuuuuum, excuse me. What's that you got there?

Seriously? Am I the only one who sees the injustice here?

                                            Over here.  I would like to lodge an official complaint!!

                                                    Maybe if I distract him, I can snatch it.
                                               Kai, over there.  Isn't that your buddy, Mr. Panda?

     Nice try, Soph. You snooze you lose. Nice lady at the store gave me this lollipop to keep my from throwing a tantrum while you , mama and grandma shopped.  Next time, play the tantrum card... seems to work with these peeps on the Island. Not so much with grandma and mama... but here, we are golden.

                                         Hmmmm.. I think I may have underestimated you, brother.

Kai completely stuffed and ready to call it a night. 

Sophie still going strong... entertaining us with more of her tricks. 
Look Ma,  made my noodles disappear.   
and, do you like my Party Hat?

Oath Day Tomorrow. :)


  1. Always an entertaining post full of cuteness galore!!! Kai and Sophie are just precious together!!

    BTW, left you a message on FB. xoxo

  2. Love it! You totally crack me up. :) I am so glad the trip is going well and that even if it wasn't you would have those two cuties to look at while you were there. They are PRECIOUS!!!

  3. Oh my goodness. You are certainly having an entertaining trip. I think you might actually break the laugh meter with these two. I look at my phone and well...nothing. Can't wait for you to be back on planet well..home.
    Squeeze those checks for me.
