
We really did make it home. I promise. ;)

I am LOOOOONG overdue for an update post. I am going to split it into two posts, because I never even shared an airport party post with you. And I don't want to skip over that. Cause friends, that right there is good stuff.

Let me go back a bit to our last few days in China. I know it appeared as though we kind of fell of the face of the earth. My apologies. 

I blame it on Lolipop COMA.  

'Nuff Said. 

Our last couple days we were in China, I came down with some bronchitis action. Whatupwitdat? Not cool.  Normally not a huge deal, just power through it and keep on keepin' on.  But with our little Kai man, we gotta change the game plan a bit. Even a small cold for our little man can be really hard on his heart.  

So we had to do our very best to make sure I didn't "share the love" with our little peeps. 

Enter SUPER-GRANDMA to save the day!

Did I mention my mom ROCKS?  
Thank you JESUS that he saw to it that she would be on this trip with me. He just KNEW I would need her. That they would need her!  

Honestly, it is making me tear up thinking about it as I type. 

Bottom Line... I needed my Mommy. 

My mom stepped in and took over caring for our little nuts for a couple of days. I napped. Got up and hydrated. Medicated, then passed out again. 

And she LOVED on our littles, and took care of me at the same time. 


As best as we tried to contain the nastiness, unfortunately Kai came down with a severe case of bronchitis for the last couple of days. 
He got a SUPER HIGH fever that we could not contain. 
 and he became lethargic, and would pass out several times.
Wouldn't eat. Wouldn't drink. Got severely dehydrated and 
wouldn't take any of his antibiotics the doctor gave him.

I'm not gonna lie. It scared the stink out of us.  

Thank you Jesus that there was a clinic in the hotel where he could be seen by doctors.  
They were able to admit him and give him an IV to hydrate him and to get antibiotics to his system. 
He was also able to go on oxygen to help his little heart and get his blood oxygen level back up out of the scary range. 

And let me tell you, Sophie Lu was a ROCK STAR.  Taking care of him. Waiting so patiently while we cared for him. Rubbing his back. Trying to give him snacks. 
She just KNEW he needed her. And that we needed to focus on him. 

Oh, how I LOVE that little NUT!!

So little guy spent his last day in China in the clinic. 
Feeling just rotten. 
Well that's a lovely howdoyoudo.

We were supposed to leave for the airport at 4am the next morning, and we really weren't sure we were going to be able to make the trip. 

And then it broke. 
That rotten old fever FINALLY broke!
At 11 pm the night before we were supposed to leave. 
The little guy turned the corner. 

And little man smiled again for the first time in days. 

And Sophie danced. 

And this mama, and her mama(better known as super gram-mama),  had a big ol' happy cry. 
And I don't think we stopped hugging him until we got home. 
And happy dancing. 
And stuffing our faces with chocolate. 
Wonder how we pulled that off? 
Maybe while one of us squeezed the little guy, the other one squeezed on Sophie, and while we all happy danced,  maybe Sophie was in charge of unwrapping and distributing the chocolate? 
Not sure how it all went down.
 Its all a blur. Will have to ask Soph. 

oh, man.  

Jesus was in the house!!!

So we caught our car to the airport, and made it to our plane on time. 

I will spare you the details of the 15 hour flight, with two exhausted toddlers, and a plane full of peeps who are probably still wishing they had spent the extra change to invest in the noise canceling headphones.  
Let's just say they won't make that mistake twice. 

Last thing I will say about this, but  I think it warrants mentioning again. 
My mom is a ROCKSTAR!

Kai wanted to be carried during the flight. 
 Not be held and sit on her lap, watching a movie or taking a nap. Or playing a game. Or eating a snack. Or reading a book. Or drawing a picture. 
And not carried on your hip, upright. 
But carried horizontal like a big Gigantic baby. 

Did I mention my mom is tiny and Kai probably weighs twice her size. 

So what did Super-Grandma do?
She carried little man pretty much the WHOLE flight. 
Sometimes while he cried. 
Sometimes while he slept. 
Sometimes while he snacked
Sometimes while she cried... and snacked, and slept. 

Super-Grandma carried her little buddy for the 15 hour flight after caring for me and the two kids for two long weeks. 

the end. 

I heart my mommy. 
And let me tell you, Kai and Sophie will forever have a special bond with Super-Grammy. 
What a blessing she is to us all. 

You didn't really come here to hear me yammer on.  
I know you want the airport pics.

I will warn you that we don't have a ton. 
The airport party was a bit more low key than past airport parties. 
Given Kai's last couple of days in China we had to tone down the whole event. 
We just wanted to get our little nuts home. 

So no family photo.   You have been warned. :)

Let's start the party with these two ROCK STARS, aka. SUPER GRANDPA and SUPER DAD!!  Look at these NUTS!!!  
LOVE these guys!

Grandpa holds down their home and their business while Super- Grandma jets off to China for 2 weeks!
That Super-Gramps is good peeps. He happens to also be Kai's namesake. :) 
(alright if I call you super-gramps? doesn't seem right. I'm thinkin' I'll stick with SUPER GRANDPA!)

And SUPER DAD!  Who else do you know who can take care of 8 kiddos, and the house, and all the school stuff, and work stuff, and keep everyone happy and healthy, and having so much fun that they won't miss mommy too much. 
Oh, and SMILE his way through it, because he feels BLESSED to be able to?

That guy on the right. aka. SUPER HUBS, aka. SUPER DAD!
Again, Thank you Jesus for that one. :)


And check out this gang...

Our peeps. :)

My sweet little Neice. And check out my SIL... love the anticipation on her face. 
My peeps love my peeps. 

Our peeps  Watching...

and waiting...

And waiting...And waiting.....
And looking SO STINKIN' cute holding Welcome Home signs, while waiting!!

We've been spotted!

And the "ATTACK". :)

Kai couldn't believe he had SO MANY peeps. 

My beautiful sister and her ADORABLE little nephew!

Best Buds Already!!!

                                 Awwww, sweet little mama.  Daddy is LOVIN' his little LuLu-Bug!!

And we are FINALLY Home...

Right where WE Belong!

Again.... THANK YOU , JESUS!!


  1. Precious, precious, precious!! Your family rocks! Love you sweet friend and always love your heart!! I miss you...we're planning a road trip this summer??? Maybe your way?? xo

  2. Awwwwwww...you have a SUPER fabulous family!!!

  3. YAY!!! I mean, I knew you were home but YAY for the sweet rescue by Momma and Jesus and the sweet, sweet lovin' at the airport. LOVE it. So glad to see you in my reader again too :)
